Formula E and OLOQIQI:
Driving Brand Visibility to New Heights.

Formula E, the FIA Formula E World Championship, is a newer racing series at the forefront of promoting electric-powered cars and sustainable technologies. As the world’s premier global electric car racing series, Formula E seeks innovative ways to enhance its brand visibility and engage audiences with its mission of shaping a sustainable future.

Charging Ahead: Revolutionizing Brand Visibility
In a rapidly evolving media landscape Formula E recognizes the critical importance of brand and sponsor visibility. One of the leading Formula E sponsors has leveraged OLOQIQI on the events series to ensure that its electrifying races resonate with a global audience and the communication strategy addresses the expectations of viewers and followers.

Broadcasting Time and TV Audience: Fueling Engagement
For the sponsor and OLOQIQI of course, broadcasting time is more than minutes on screen. By measuring brand exposure duration across different channels globally of Formula E races, OLOQIQIX provides a comprehensive picture of how the championship’s sponsor is showcased. This commitment to transparency ensures that every second counts, and sponsor’s messages reach millions of viewers who tune in to witness the excitement.

Brand Analysis: Powering Visual Impact
OLOQIQI collaborates to quantify brand visibility within TV programs. By measuring parameters like duration of visibility, exposure sequence frequency, and average duration per sequence, the event sponsor understands in detail how its brands are showcased and covered in the global media landscape. This allows the world-renowned brand to refine its tactics, resulting in a captivating visual journey that profoundly connects with both fans and viewers.

Balancing Quantitative and Qualitative Insights: Crafting Engaging Experiences
The reports and analyses balance quantitative metrics and qualitative insights from logo positioning on perimeter boards, camera work or positioning, logo design, etc. This service empowers the brand to create a captivating visual narrative beyond numbers, evoking emotions and forging lasting connections.

As Formula E progresses into a new era of electric mobility and sustainable racing, its sponsor’s partnership with OLOQIQIX continues to increase its brand recognition. With data-driven precision and a passion for innovation, the message of a cleaner, sustainable future is driven across the global motorsport stage with unstoppable progress.

Formula 1: Getting a Comprehensive Perspective of Global Formula one Media Coverage

The most prestigious worldwide motorsport racing series, Formula 1 (F1), has high-performance vehicles competing on various tracks across the globe. It features powerful cars built for speed and aerodynamics, representing the height of automobile engineering and racing ability. Formula 1 places a strong emphasis on innovation and cutting-edge technology.

Extensive Online and Print Media Panel
Due to clients’ needs OLOQIQI focus our approach on print and online editorial media. With the created and distinguished print media panel we encompasses a spectrum of over 7,500 esteemed print publications worldwide. This analysis is anchored in publications of substantial circulation or exclusive sports coverage. Leading daily newspapers around the globe with a formidable readership, such as WSJ, NY Times, and many others, are integral components of our comprehensive panel. Formula 1 has improved the insights drawn from each publication by utilizing metadata, adding a profound level of context to their media analysis strategy.

Unveiling the Power of OLOQIQI software
Comparable to other projects OLOQIQI stands up for automated and AI driven solutions. For this specific project OLOQIQI’s software marks a new era in media analysis; it pioneers logo detection, precisely capturing text, visual mentions, and facial recognition. This market-leading technology delves beyond mere words in an image-rich landscape, encompassing all visible facets within images. Moreover, our facial recognition software propels us to the forefront of media intelligence, seamlessly tracking prominent Formula 1 drivers and headline figures across the expanse of online and print media publications.

OLOQIQI specializes in a field where attention to detail is valued and goes far beyond text analyses. By comprehensively evaluating text, images, video, and sound, it creates a comprehensive media engagement overview beyond traditional boundaries for sports like Formula 1.
